Saturday, November 12, 2011

NATASHA and DOUG--Engagement session

Finally--a sneak peek of Natasha and Doug's engagement session. Between computer issues and blog loading issues, these have been a long time coming. I just had to post some though, because I love, love, love how they came out. I've known Natasha for several years--I did her senior pictures--and her brother's just a couple of years ago. I was thrilled to hear that she was getting married and wanted to have me as her photographer--even more once I met Doug--they are a great match! Since they decided to move up their wedding date, we had to hustle to get the engagement session done so we could do a guest book and get it back in time. Their favorite time of the year just happens to be fall--so it was just perfect.

We met up at Hargus Lake(A.W. Marion State Park) just outside of Circleville. I used to go over there when I dated a boy from Circleville--way back in the day. I remembered that it had some beautiful autumn color--but this year, I was just blown away when I saw the variety. It was amazing the difference between there and here in Lancaster. We had very little color and theirs was just magical! I'm sure there are all sorts of logical explanations--but none of that matters--they got their fall color--and how!

That same evening we met up at the Fairfield County Fair for some evening photos--something I'd been wanting to do for a while. It was fun--and another reason to grab some Crazy Taters(since my favorite french fry stand is no more).

I'm really, really looking forward to working with them again--in just a week--and have no doubt we'll get some more magic for wedding day!

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