We had a wonderful time at the Gus
Macker Tournament in Downtown Lancaster. For those who don't know what a Gus
Macker Tournament is(which I didn't, until it came to town), it is street basketball played on portable courts that are set up in the street. The teams are 3 on 3 and there are lots of different divisions. We knew several people who played--and even got to catch a game with Lancaster's Phil McKnight Jr. From what I understand, some of the players travel from city to city to compete in the tournaments. Next year the boys have already decided that they are in--we told them they better start practicing now--some of these players are pretty incredible. There were lots of activities for the kids, as well as lots of vendors set up throughout the downtown area. This is a fantastic example of the type of event that Lancaster needs to bring to town--on a regular basis! If anyone is interested in seeing the rest of the photos, they will be posted in the Client Gallery section of my website www.valerihoffmanbradford.com Just look for Gus Macker.