In case anyone is wondering, no I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've had a rough couple of weeks. My primary computer bit the dust and I was informed that it was not repairable. I ended up getting a computer with Vista--a switch from the XP that I've been using forever. Quite a few of my programs and plug-ins were not up for the switch. I've been e-mailing and calling various vendors to get things reloaded--and had to buy a few upgrades--just to add even more to my unexpected expenses. All of the programs and plug-ins are finally loaded on the new system--now I'm working on transferring files. Just when I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel of getting things caught up--another setback. Anyway, I'm back up and running--and once again playing catchup.
On that note, I had the pleasure of being contacted by the Scanlon family about doing a session through an organization that I just joined efforts with. The organization is Operation Love Reunited (Op-Love). It is a wonderful organization that joins volunteer photographers with military families for a deployment, family or homecoming session. I will post a link to their site later--which has all of the details of how it all works (if you, or someone you know is eligible and interested). I met up with them at the Call to Duty ceremony at St. John's Arena and shot some photos there. We then headed down to North Bank Park to do a mini family session. It was a great introduction to working with Op-Love. The Scanlons were such a pleasure to meet and work with. I really admire their sacrifice to preserve the freedom and rights that we all take for granted. I hope to hear from them next year when it's homecoming time!