A few weeks ago when I was on-line searching for something--I don't even remember what, I discovered a name that I recognized from the past. Bryan
Knicely and I worked together back in my days at Cord Camera--actually quite a few years ago. When he finished his Master's at Ohio State, he accepted a position out of state and I lost touch with him. I came across his name on-line, because he's back in Ohio--Columbus, actually. He is now the President of the Greater Columbus Arts Council www.gcac.org Of course, I had to immediately e-mail him so we could reconnect. We met for lunch on Thursday at Due
Amici in downtown Columbus. As great as lunch was(can you say delicious), it was even better to get to see Bryan again and hear about all that he has been up to since we saw each other. It sounds as if the Arts Council has some awesome things in the works and I definitely want to stay abreast of some of the upcoming events(of course the Downtown Arts Festival is a must-go-to!)
Anyway, thanks for lunch Brian and I hope to get together again soon!